
Open automated interpretation of social awareness videos – natural language processing for education in India

Harish Sashikumar, Siddharth Ghosh, et al.

Towards a generalized equation of bubble-raft-like networks

Balasubrahmaniyam M and Siddharth Ghosh

Topological piezoelectricity

Moumita and Siddharth Ghosh

Network dynamics of topological defects in biology

Moumita Ghosh and Siddharth Ghosh

Pattern from complex genetic organisation

Nikhil Hajirnis, Balasubrahmaniyam M and Siddharth Ghosh

Single-Molecule Nanofluidic Device/Lab-on-a-chip

Siddharth Ghosh

Multidimensional Socioeconomics of Pandemic

Hima T Sam, Harish Sasikumar, Jaideep Prabhu and Siddharth Ghosh

PortScope: Single-Molecule Optics

Abhilash Asok and Siddharth Ghosh

PortScope: Single-Molecule Optics

Abhilash Asok and Siddharth Ghosh

Single-Molecule Diffusion for COVID-19

Siddharth Ghosh and Jonathan Heeney

Open Automated Interpretation of Social Awareness Videos

Harish Sasikumar

Didactic of Science for Manual Scavengers

Siddharth Ghosh

PortSEM: Portable Scanning Electron Microscope

Chinmay KV, Moumita Ghosh and Siddharth Ghosh

Two-dimensional Quantum OptoElectronics

Moumita Ghosh and Siddharth Ghosh

Diffusion of Human Movement for Open Market Design

Siddharth Ghosh

Thermal Profiling of Human Crowd

Abhilash Asok Balasubrahmaniyam M

Psychoneuroimmunology of physical activity

Siddharth Ghosh

Less-chemical-based early biophysical diagnosis of COVID-19, NDD, and Cancer

Siddharth Ghosh

Applied Modelling Integrated Epidemic Test Results

Kasthuri Kannan

Incompatible surface for Microbiome

Moumita Ghosh

NanoSMoS: Lab-on-a-chip carcinogenic and RNA virus diagnosis

Siddharth Ghosh